Saturday, July 25, 2020

Pandemicized America's Healthcare Bankruptcy

America has the most unaffordable healthcare in the world. It is the #1 reason for bankruptcy in America, affecting over 500,000 families per year.

In the middle of this pandemic Americans are losing their jobs and therefore, their healthcare and getting sick on top of that atrocity. That isn't happening in Non-Shithole Countries. Here in the Badgered State, our so called representatives refused to take the medicaid expansion, costing the state millions and denying Wisconsinites healthcare. So much for "fiscal conservatism" and "pro-life". That didn't happen in Non-Shithole States.

Meanwhile, the Trumpladyte is trying to kill Obamacare, a move that would kick another 20 million American off their healthcare in the middle of a pandemic. USDA Grade A Choice @$$oul.

Decent countries care about their people and provide affordable healthcare to All. You want me to honor the flag? Be THAT Country!

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