Monday, September 05, 2005

Feeling a bit rebellious....

Sigh...I'm numb about the Gulf Coast, as it's a catastrophe worthy of all nuances of that word. I'm angry as hell at the lack of leadership on nearly all for those souls who did something (and are now threatened with arrest for trying to save people)...

To quote another angry fellow a few years back with a beef against a corrupt, indulgently rich, ignorant, and morally deficit leadership....

"When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation."

You have failed us with spectacularly tragic consequences.

You claim to be a leader, but avoid actually having contact with those you claim to lead (unless they agree with you 110% and have signed a loyalty oath).

You have shown callous disregard for anyone not of your skin color or earning level.

You and your administration seem more concerned with your image and polling than your citizens. By all means, fly across the country for one tragic story you can use for political means (Terry Schiavo) but remain at the ranch for a few days while thousands die of neglect from a hurricane.

No, you're not to blame for the hurricane. You ARE to blame for gutting the budgets of those systems that might have lessened the damage. You ARE to blame for removing the budgets and manpower from the National Guard to Iraq, rather than having their help now. You ARE to blame for putting hopelessly incompetent and unqualified people in charge of both Homeland Security and FEMA. And, last but not least, you ARE to blame for Karl Rove's latest bald-faced lie--that the governor of Louisiana "didn't ask for help or declare a state of emergency." (Thankfully, enough people noticed that she'd declared it as such and asked for federal aid on August 26, not days later as "Turd Blossom" would have us believe.)

(While I'm mentioning her, the governor's showing leadership by hiring the FORMER and QUALIFIED director of FEMA under Clinton to help rebuild Louisiana; you're patting your guy on the back while he's obviously failed in every way to do his job. Guess he's next in line for a Medal of Freedom like George Tenet, another guy whose 9/11 intelligence failures got him the nation's highest civilian honor?)

You lied to us to get two wars, which have only destabilized the world rather than made it safer. The only people better off than they were four years ago are employees of Halliburton, their stock shares forever safe, regardless of how many episodes of false charges and corruption pop up.

Your only successes come in lies and graft to your political cronies.

Your only truths are when you are "off script," and your spin doctors spend weeks throwing lies atop it to explain what you really meant, when we all heard you loud and clear the first time.

"Now is not the time for finger-pointing," because all the fingers point at you and yours and the failures that cannot be denied.

Thousands are dead, at home and abroad, thanks to your failures as a leader, as a president, and as a man.

Where's your Mission Accomplished banner now, Mr. Bush? If your true purpose was to create an oligarchal society where the rich ignore the plight of the poor and blame them for not having the means by which to save themselves, it's drapped all across the southern border on the Gulf.

Despite using Jefferson to open this screed, no, I'm not fomenting war or secession or open rebellion.

I believe there are enough good people, thinking people, caring people, who can save this country from you and your sociopathic oligarchs. We owe it as a true testament to people who gave their lives protecting our country as far back as the 18th century.

I think no amount of spin can bury your administration's lies of the past week, even with a flaccid White House press corps such as we have at present. Thankfully, the press has a few members finally uttering truths and letting themselves get angry and confronting the lies ON CAMERA during the hurricane aftermath coverage.

Misters Bush, Cheney, and all your ilk--stand notice. This country is mad as hell with you and
it's not going to take it any more.

Now is our time to take back our country by showing that we care more for our neighbors and our friends than our so-called leaders.

We want a United States, not Red/Blue States and a constant state of friction.

We want intelligent debate AND leadership that benefits a majority of citizens, not a fat-cat minority deciding what's news and what's "the bias of the liberal media."

One thing that can't be spun or ignored (but apparently it has been forgotten): Liberals formed this country's ideals, not people preaching the status quo or staying the course. Liberals shed the first blood shed for this country, not those wanting to protect their fiscal interests.

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