Friday, August 22, 2014

Monday - BASD Annual Meeting!

This MONDAY NIGHT! It's time for the good people of the Burlington Area School District to come out and support the rational members of our School Board against those who believe (foolishly) that Joseph McCarthy was right.
ANNUAL MEETING - August 25th - Burlington School Board - 8:00 pm Burlington High School Auditorium--"Notice is hereby given to the qualified electors of the Burlington Area School District that the annual meeting of said District for the transaction of business will beheld in the Burlington High School Auditorium, 400 McCanna Parkway, Burlington, Wisconsin."
There is word that there will be the perennial pushback at this meeting from the tea swilling followers of the McCarthyite apologist who believe that ANY levy increase is too much. It's important to get a large number of reasonable people to attend this annual meeting and raise their hands in favor of the very very lean school district budget as it currently is written.
Expect that last-minute attempts to reduce the current budget will be made in the form of amendments to the proposed budget. This tactic must, once again, be voted down by us, the majority of the citizenry exhibiting goodwill to our community and responsibility toward the future.
Our children need us to show up that evening in a large group and show our support for them. Please come and show your support our current tax levy and budget. A lot of time and effort has gone in to trying to keep our tax burden as low as possible, and the results of any further reductions will be dire.
Let's get enough people to "be there and play fair" (like "be there or be square"). Let's be fair to our children and draw that line in the sand that says "ENOUGH!" No more cutting back. Every kid needs our support.
For more info on the annual budget as approved by the board, go here:

Wednesday, August 06, 2014

Citizen Koch is a Go!

Citizen Koch is a Go!

BAPsters bought 64 tickets, more than enough to let the show go on!

There are still tickets left if you'd like to go. You can order them here for $10:

If there are still tickets remaining, they will be sold at the door prior to the show - 6:30 Wednesday August 13th at the Plaza Theater in Burlington.

Also, if you missed BAP's hosting of John Nichols last week, you missed quite the presentation. John was very generous to give us his time (again) and his sometimes foreboding, but always insightful, optimistic and entertaining analysis of current events and the long history behind them. Thank you John!