Thursday, March 17, 2011

Scott Walker in Pleasant Prairie TODAY 9:30!

Top o the Marnin! SCOTT WALKER will be at 7809 100th St. in Pleasant Priairie TODAY (3/17) at 9:30AM for a "jobs" press conference. I called and 12 news gave me the address which was being with held on the news and web (we've gottem on the run). Thank you channel 12! This is an empty mfg building in the industrial park about two block due south from the power plant off 80th Ave, just west of Green Bay Rd., east of Cty H and north of Hwy 165. 95th St or 165 will get you to 80th Ave which will get you to 100th St. on the east. There are no sidewalk and not much public right-of-way to be on. One possible solution is to drive by beeping show me what democracy looks like (dit dit dit dit-dit dit-dit dit dah!)


Sean Cranley said...

50-60 protesters there for the Wanker. Not bad for short notice! He hid inside the building for the press conference, while we were kept at the curb. Remember to spread the word and "like" Racine Solidarity on Facebook:

Sean Cranley said...

Criminals always return to the scene of the crime.